Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday Observations

Another night with very few clouds! At 8 pm I headed out from my 'cave' and made the journey to my driveway (Venice, FL). With the company of my dog and a few old ladies walking around in reflective vests, I started looking up. It was still a bit light out and there was no moon present. At first I attempted to use a toy telescope from elementary school, but abandoned the effort when my dog would not stop trying to knock it over. So instead, I used 8x100 binoculars. I saw Corona Borealis, which was about above me. It was crazy using the binoculars for this observation, there were so many fainter stars I could see. I saw Altair in the summer triangle, which was crazy-bright in the binoculars. I also saw one of our COTW! It was Delphinus. Snaps for you Delphinus, for being super-relevant. So the moral of this story is binoculars are awesome, and advance thank yous to Stephen Colbert.

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