Friday, October 15, 2010

APOD 1.7

Globular Star Cluster NGC 6934

 This spherical collection of stars orbit a galactic core as satellites, bound purely by gravity, there is a high stellar density for the cluster. The clusters have different classes. It is located around the halo of the Milky Way. Globular clusters can be used as points of distance referance. Also, they are some of the oldest stars in the sky. The ages of the stars constrain the ages of the universe, so we know how old it can be. This cluster is in Delphinus.  51.2 kly away from the sun. William Herschel discovered globular cluster NGC 6934 in Delphinus on September 24, 1785 and cataloged it as H I.103.This particular cluster is estimated to be 1,000,018,176 years old.

1 comment:

  1. Delphinus is my favorite constellation! So old! Lol! Hi!
