Sunday, December 5, 2010


Place: Somewhere is Sarasota
Time: Around 10ish

So I am proud to say I can pinpoint the first time this class has saved me gas money. A friend and I went to see 'Death by Chocolate', a jazz production up at Booker High School. I was quite unfamiliar with the area, as I live in Venice, and she really did not now how to get around despite attending Booker. So after going in many circles and arriving back at Booker then back on Webber then back on Fruitville, we arrived at 41 and had to make a fateful decision; left or right? We pulled into a parking lot and got out of the car. Polaris was in the sky at that moment, so with that breakthrough we knew which way was north! We took a right onto 41 and arrived home in a jiffy. Later in the night we also observed Orion, which was very bright and recognizable immediately by the belt.

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