Friday, November 19, 2010

APOD 2.4

This image depicts the Pleiades (Seven Sisters) and space dust in the same sky.The Pleiades is known for its Blue Reflection Nebula. The 'reflection' in this nebula is caused by dust grains, which scatter light particles with short wavelengths (hence the blue!). The mythology of the Pleiades (super short version) goes as hence; The great hunter Orion saw the Pleiades walking through the countryside with their mother and wanted them, so he pursued them for seven years. They prayed to Zeus for delivery from the hunt and he turned them into birds and put them into the sky. Then when Orion was killed, he too was placed in the sky, near them so the chase would continue forever. This picture of Taurus has the Pleiades in the upper left. The photo also includes M45, LBN777, Vdb27 FSQ 106EDX,  and STL11000M. The image was created as a 5 shot combination

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