Friday, November 19, 2010

Observations from last weekend

Location: UCF
Time: Around 12 am

I was graced to be given a tour of the winter sky by one of your ex-astronomy students, Ron Pekarski! We started from Sirius, the brightest star of the winter sky. Even looking through stadium lights you could still clearly see the bright star clear as day (/night I guess). We walked all along the campus, so I could see the sky at various magnitudes throughout the night. The most obvious constellation was Orion in the sky, and his pretty cool dog. Orion's belt includes Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka.The most interesting information he passed on was how to tell the time of night from the moon, based on phase and season. It's so logical, but something I would have never connected! I really hope I retain as much information as he has after your class is over. It was really cool to see the information being used.

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