Monday, February 21, 2011

Stargaze observations!

Place: Pine View Service Road

Yesterday's stargaze was especially eventful as I brought both my mother and little sister with me to see the sky; neither of them have any astronomical background, but my mom was blown away by the experience! My little sister was also amazed at how much more you could see even just with binoculars. As the telescopes were having trouble, I spent quite an amount of time picking out stars from the chart and identifying them with my mom and sister, which I feel was very beneficial. I used Orion as a starting point (also because I knew the most about it.) The most exciting moment was identifying M42 in the binoculars- it was really, really pretty. It was the first time I was able to see an emission nebula with binoculars. Looking at Jupiter with the binoculars was quite difficult because of the unsteadiness of my hands, but through the telescope, I could see one of the lines of storms in the atmosphere.

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