Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Zooniverse 1!

So I've been working on a few of the projects. The first one was the Milky Way Project. It was full at first, but I refreshed enough so I got to be a part of it. One image that showed up was very interesting because there seemed to be waves in a bubble I found. I put that up on the discussion page, and I hope someone replies. While the Milky Way Project is the prettiest looking project, I also worked on PlanetHunters, which might be the favorite, and most exciting; finding a planet is probably one of the coolest things I can think of. I analyzed quite a few star and found some promising abnormalities, so I flagged those. Lastly, I worked on Old Weather for the fun of it, and also because I owe it to people- I've been making people squint to read my writing for 17 years now! I now know what the weather was like at a few Southern ports in the 1600's.

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